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Showing posts from March, 2017

Tick Tock....And A Dose Of Sunshine!

That clock!! Since everyone seemed to like it (it is very cute), I racked my brain to try and recall more details of its lineage.  It was new old stock from the online miniature show garage sale....but then it hit me...that white packaging.  I knew I recalled that specific packaging from a blog.  Then, I went…

The Mid Century Room Box - Kitchen Reveal!

Since I have been terrible at updating you about the progress of my mid century room box...surpirse! The kitchen is now done!  I'm sure you're thinking, what room box? What kitchen (minus the few short mentions I made and some lighting pictures).   I made the final push to build the breakfast bar.  BUT, …

In Winter We Flower!

When life gives you winter, I make flowers to maintain my state of denial.  It's very cold here.  No snow...just grey and cold.  Every few days we get a warm spell and its gets you excited.  Then nature pulls the rug out and its gone.   In the spirit of gloom I! It started with a few…